Brand Awareness

Attract Consumers

Trust gained amongst consumers

Sharing Economy

Consumer Commitment and Rebates System
Provide you a systematic Consumer Commitment System and Rebates System, enabling your businesses to connect with others to achieve long term sustainable benefits. GetBats’ loyalty program builds your brand loyalty and turn your customers into life-long fans.

Ease & Secure Payment Solutions and Value-Added Services & Support
Offering a comprehensive payment solution, assist to enhance your company’s liquidity via better settlement terms. PayBats is a payment gateway that intends to boost your payment processes, in addition to making them more cost efficient and secure. Through PayBats, you can accept: Visa, Master, FPX, UnionPay, AliPay, WeChat Pay, and QR Pay as your payment channels.

e-Traffic Management and A&P Platform
Create brand awareness and increase your brand exposure by advertising your business through our SeeBats’ Media-Service Platform. SeeBats’ streaming platform directs quality traffic to your site improving your web marketing effectiveness and growing your online marketing traffic.
Contact Info
Operation Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
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